Our Blog
Low Back Pain?
Do you wake up with an ache or pain starting in your hips or low back? Or maybe you feel it more as you get up and going or even when you go from...
Time for some Vitamin D
Why do I need Vitamin D? *Bone Formation *Nervous System Maintenance *Skin Respiration *Normal Blood Clotting How can I get Vitamin D through my...
Benefits of Copper
Why do I need Copper? *Bone Formation *Hair and Skin Color *Healing Processes *Red Blood Cell Formation *Emotional and Mental State How can I get...
Why we need Vitamin E
Why do I need Vitamin E? *Aging Retardation *Aids Fertility *Anti-clotting factor *Anti-oxidant *Blood Flow to Heart *Capillary Wall Strengthening...
In the mood for Calcium?
Why do I need Calcium? *Bone/tooth formation *Blood Clotting *Tooth Formation *Nerve Transmission *Muscle Growth and Contraction How can I get...
Learning about Chromium
Why do I need Chromium? *Blood Sugar Level *Glucose Metabolism How can I get Chromium through my diet? *Black Pepper *Cheese *Clams *Meats...
It’s iron time!
Why do I need Iron? *Stress and Disease Resistance *Growth in Children *Hemoglobin Production How can I get Iron through my diet? *Eggs *Fish *Lean...
What about Inositol?
Why do I need inositol in my diet? *Reduces cholesterol*Retards hardening of arteries*Hair growth!*Lecithin formation *Metabolism How can I get...